Soul Connection
Facilitator's Track

Once you’ve experienced the profound impact of the Soul Connection at Will Workshop series, you may be moved to become a Soul Connection at Will Workshop facilitator. We are still in process of developing this program, so keep in touch for more details! You will be required to
- complete the Level One Healer’s Class to become grounded in the basics of the Healed By Spirit modality, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to perform the basics of the Healed By Spirit modality
- attend at least two of each of the workshops – SCW for All, Family SCW, Couples SCW, and CRM Connection Workshop, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to understand what’s occurring, relative to both the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the workshop with ease, and the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any workshop or educational process in which you are involved
- facilitate at least one of each of the workshops with supervision, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to perform not only the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the workshop with ease, but also the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any workshop or educational process in which you are involved
- facilitate at least two of each of the workshops without supervision, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to perform not only the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the workshop with ease, but also the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any workshop or educational process in which you are involved
Once it’s clear that you’ve reached the level of proficiency required in all areas to assure success of all of the Workshop Series segments, you will
- Receive certification to perform the workshops on your own
- Receive ongoing promotional support in the form of tri-fold brochure templates and other support materials which you will receive upon completion of your certification process
- Receive space and promotion on the Healed By Spirit Website with your name and obvious designation as a Certified Healed By Spirit Connection Workshop Series Facilitator, your contact information, and event calendar information as presented in your area
Please be aware that there will be royalty agreements to be agreed upon before you will be allowed to provide workshops to clients in your area, and non-compete agreements to sign before beginning.