Level One
Healer's Class

Available as a 4-session, meeting every other week class for beginners, and as a single-weekend four-session Intensive course for experienced practitioners and energy workers
Healing Classes are available! The class tuition what we now refer to as Healer’s Class Level One is $500. in person, or on-line in real time, and includes all class materials, all the way to the pen and notebook if you’re local! Remote clients MUST find a partner (who need not pay for the class) for segments 2, 3, and 4. Limited to EIGHT PEOPLE in person, and advance payment or payment arrangement is required. Payment arrangements are available to serious students because this work is too important not to bring to the world. By the end of the final segment you will literally be able to identify AND RESOLVE physical issues in another person. The results are surprising only because we don’t realize that the difference between miracles and technology is an explanation. You will come to know this for yourself and be able to bring this Gift to the world you will serve the rest of your life, if you so desire.
Level One Healers Class
Healing Yourself and Others, and
Bringing Love to bear on the world we share
Course in Healing facilitated by Brian Kurtz, MS, receiver of the Healed By Spirit modality
The opportunity in this course (eleven classroom hours plus extensive homework time) is nothing less than acquiring access to Power which can change the world. Through the techniques learned in this course, students will literally learn how to heal other people and themselves – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Participants will, by the end of the final class segment, be able to alter 3D reality through the Unconditionally Loving Power which becomes available to us when we access that Sacred Space where miracles are possible.
Healer’s Class – Level One – The basics of altering 3D reality and becoming a healer in the world! Are you moved to learn energy work in this VERY effective modality which is 36 years in development? If you’re moved to begin practicing the Healed By Spirit modality, please contact us for whatever details you require to fully engage every aspect of your life in this ever-expanding way of being.
This class will be the first time to include new Healed By Spirit collaborator, Joyce Ayers!
Joyce Ayers lives the path of awareness through embodiment practice which guide
and support others as they build self-regulation, choice, and vision. As a
Relationship and Embodiment Facilitator, Joyce has helped women become
empowered, balance their masculine/feminine traits, and create a future where
they express themselves and are free of internal suffering. She has trained and
been certified as a Soul Coach, Conscious Uncoupling Coach, Trauma Sensitive
Informed, Embodiment Facilitator, 500 level Yoga Instructor, NLP/Quantum Time
Techniques, and more! [note from Brian: As I’ve gotten to know Joyce, I’ve
realized how perfectly complementary our techniques and perspectives are, and
how much she will add to the experience of our class! The last dozen or so of
these classes have focused more intensively on the BEINGNESS of the Healed By
Spirit modality. Joyce adds to that perspective, and you will find the more
experiential nature of the class more engaging from start to finish!]
This will be class #46 since January, 2014. PLEASE CALL Brian if you’re ready! 512-922-6043
Four sessions, EVERY OTHER THURSDAY EVENING, AS SPECIFIED BELOW, LIVE IN PERSON at 300 Beardsley Lane, Bldg E (Austin Holistic Health) OR REMOTELY VIA ZOOM.US teleconferencing – if you choose to participate via Zoom, PLEASE CALL 512-922-6043 to get all details and requirements for live or online participation.
PLEASE NOTE THAT REMOTE STUDENTS MUST HAVE A PARTNER (they need not actually be in the class) for segments 2, 3, AND 4.
DATES: As shown per class. See “Book now.”
Session 1 –
You will learn the principles upon which this practice is based and who you
will need to be to implement them in your life. This is a place of honor,
responsibility and Service over self, which respects both science and spirituality,
free of religious dogma and rich in experiences you will cherish. You may come
to see the context in which your life has been lived, or perhaps know where and
how you are meant to Walk Your Walk from this time forward.
We will also give you an opportunity to experience first-hand what it is for
YOU to EMBODY the Beingness of a healer.
Session 2 –
The Sacred Space
You will learn to generate and work within The Sacred Space where all healing
and connection, communication and relationship reside. From this place you
will, with even a small amount of ongoing practice, be able to positively
impact every relationship in your life with everyone you encounter.
Friendships, family and work relationships – all positively impacted from this
session alone.
Session 3 –
The Chakra system
You’ll learn about the chakra system, how to discern imbalances and restore
balance to the chakras, and how to discern depletions and replenish the
chakras. It’s very much about WHO TO BE, not what to do.
Session 4 –
Learning to Be the Healer you are
Everyone who has a heart and mind to do so CAN do this. You WILL learn to how
do the work of discernment, clearing and healing that which is to be removed –
physically, emotionally, and spiritually, AND demonstrate to yourself and others
that you ARE able to do so.
Each of us possesses within us a Light which all Wisdom Teachers acknowledge both exists and is meant to be shared. The time has arrived for each of us to come to know that Light which resides within us and to express it; shining It into the world in the way uniquely our own – to shine that Spirit of Love on everyone we encounter.
What is available in this course is nothing less than the power to change the world. Are you ready to serve your friends, family, and the world? If now is your time, you are invited to step into this part of the rest of your life.
Tuition – $500 – includes all course materials, 60+-page notebook, and ongoing followup with you to make sure you’ve got it!