Couples Workshop

In this workshop, you will connect to your own true Essence and connect to that Essence in your partner. You will then receive tools enabling you to generate this bond whenever and with whomever you wish.

What will I gain from this workshop?
- You will experience a transformed relationship – deep connection, real communication and powerful validation of yourself and your partner
- You will know a new level of freedom and safety where authentic self-expression and deep Connection occur
- A new level of clarity and awareness of the blocks which have prevented you from connecting more deeply with your partner, and the opportunity to eliminate them once and for all
- The heart-level Inner Knowing AND the brain-level knowledge and tools to generate at any time the Sacred Space in which authenticity and real communication exist
My husband, Eric, and I did Brian's Couples Soul Connection Workshop and loved it. Spouse and I are best friends but were losing a little connection with my husband being night shift law enforcement. We are connected again. Thank you Brian

Eric & Patricia Cashion