Healer's Class

- Healer’s Master Class
The entirety of the Healed By Spirit modality, and making it your own
This is the next level for those seeking deeper understanding of the Healed by Spirit™ modality and, if you so desire, the next step toward earning licensure as a Healed by Spirit Practitioner™.
Please keep in mind that certification is not a “class completed” certification. Anyone may take the class, but certification requires proof of positive impact from your healing work on a vast majority of session participants (80%)
The course 25-session over 50 weeks program. Please note that a commitment to the entire year’s curriculum is required, with payments made accordingly. Price is $3000 or $275/month, and includes an every-other-week class session of about two-hours, as well as a between class time to discuss what’s been coming up for students between class sessions. All sessions will be recorded and made shareable should you need to miss some sessions.
If you are a Healed by Spirit™ Level One Healers Class graduate (or you have sufficient experience as a healer that we can catch you up on the distinctions of the modality), Brian also makes available a Weekend Intensive version to catch you up in preparation for the Healer’s Master Class. This class is $600, with the full amount applied to the Healer’s Master Class.
This advanced level training meets live and online via teleconferencing, as well as being available as recorded calls to all previous Master Class students, delivered through Google Drive. Expect extensive homework time. Serious students only please.
In this course, you will learn several essential pieces which are imperative if you are to enhance your knowledge and your refine your ability to do the healing work required and, if you desire, toward becoming a Healed by Spirit Practitioner™.
The Healed By Spirit Student/Practitioner Oath:
Sessions include:
- In-depth understanding of the Chakra system and applying this knowledge to the discernment and clearing of lifelong energetic residue, restoring and balancing of the Chakras, the basics of caring for yourself through crystal healing with the Chakras, and taking what you learn and making it your own! We will also do a refresher up to the current level of refinement of the Level One Healed by Spirit™ modality’s knowledge base in this segment. (This segment of the course’s notebook is 175 pages)
- Ongoing study into the nature of your own Being, along with exercises, videos, and ongoing discussion facilitating your connecting to your Higher Self, to Spirit and to your Angels and Spirit Guides, creating for yourself the process by which you will come to your own deeper understanding of the symbols and visuals encountered during your healing sessions. You will learn how to more clearly and confidently function within the sacred space you generate, and affect required change in yourself and your clients when you’re there. For homework, you will be expected to perform at least two healing sessions on others with the system you’re learning and refining, and report back in detail about your experience and results. Journaling will be expected and required to reinforce your development toward mastery.
- Greater detail in the discernment and understanding of a wide variety of conditions and maladies you are likely to encounter, and how to resolve these on your path as a healer. Methods for discerning and clearing virtually any condition you might encounter will be presented. You will add to your journal and document results of healing sessions (names and other personal information need never be presented in class), what you are observing and learning, and be expected to complete at least one healing session between class sessions. You will also learn some of the basics for seeking client referrals and identifying superior sources for tools of the healing arts – pendulums, essential oils, crystals, oracle cards and more.
- More practical application and discussion of all you’ve learned, deeper discussion of what you’re encountering on your journey, resolving what’s showing up for you in your work and in life in general, and support in becoming a licensed Healed by Spirit Practitioner™
Pre-registration required so that all notebooks and course materials may be prepared before your arrival either in person or online via Zoom call. If it has been a while since you completed your Level One course, your older notebooks will need to be updated with all current information!
- complete the Level One Healer’s Class to become grounded in the basics of the Healed By Spirit modality, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re ready, willing, and able to perform the basics of the Healed By Spirit modality
- complete the year-long Healer’s Master Class, discuss in detail all you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate you’re able to perform at a level worthy of certification as a Healed By Spirit practitioner – this means not only showing you can do the work, but prove with an ongoing journal reporting your progress that you are generating positive impact for at least 80% of all clients, minimum of 100 clients seen. This is not just about learning material and receiving a piece of paper. It is about demonstrating an ongoing commitment to a way of Being required to become a Healed By Spirit Practitioner. One does not “graduate” from the curriculum, one BEGINS A PATH which results from LIVING the curriculum.
- attend at least two of each of the Level One Healer’s Classes while you’re completing your advanced class — discuss in detail what you’re continuing to learn in observing the processes, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to understand what’s occurring, relative to both the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the Level One Class AND the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any class or educational process in which you are involved
- facilitate at least one Level One Healer’s Class with supervision, discuss in detail what you’re learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to perform not only the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the workshop with ease, but also BE as required to provide, hold space for, and facilitate for others the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any workshop or educational process in which you are involved
- facilitate at least two workshops without supervision, discuss in detail what you’ve learned, and be able to clearly demonstrate that you’re able to perform not only the obvious outer mechanics of presenting the workshop with ease, but also BE as required to provide, hold space for, and facilitate for others the less obvious inner spiritual work necessary to insure the success of this or any workshop or educational process in which you are involved
- Accomplish all of the steps required to complete the Soul Connection at Will Workshop Facilitator Training
- Receive certification to perform the workshops on your own
- Receive ongoing promotional support in the form of tri-fold brochure templates and other support materials which you will receive upon completion of your certification process
- Receive space and active promotion on the Healed By Spirit Website and Healed By Spirit Facebook page, with your name and obvious designation as both a Certified Healed By Spirit Practitioner AND a Certified Healed By Spirit Connection at Will Workshop Series Facilitator, your contact information, and event calendar information to presented in your area, as well as your name listed as available to perform remote healing sessions around the world.
You must be able to demonstrate at a statistically significant level of 80% or better as acknowledged in your journal) your ability to positively impact and/or resolve a wide variety of conditions which may appear in clients you encounter on your path. Continued licensure requires that you subscribe to quarterly, ongoing on-line material which will made available to facilitate your success. All licensed Healed by Spirit™ Practitioners will have their contact and biographical information posted on the Healed by Spirit™ website so that people from around the world may contact you for their healing needs.